Painting as private, beautiful musings about giants of art and art history; this private experience of making paintings; succulent, simple, feeling, strange coordinates of vision, a manifest presence of a love of being in the manifest presence of art.
The small grandiose. Forging an identity in the presence of other art.
But more: The public experience of seeing art with others, of being a pilgrim but also a tourist, a friend, mother, someone experiencing other people experiencing art.
Tsoulis-Reay’s work revels in the sides of ourselves that are reverent, ribald, mysterious. These paintings are love letters from places that knock us down; places that are populated with others like ourselves, and others who are just there having fun.
Tsoulis-Reay folds these experiences of awe and banality together in beautiful paintings with creamy touch, deep feelings about all the things going on while we are looking at art in public. She makes us make larger claims on our experiences.
These paintings are deliriously mysterious; they drive away the bad spirits that sometimes make us feel that we’re the only ones who really know what’s going on with art. She lets us see that we’re all in this together in the beautiful alchemical stew. We want them…
Jerry Saltz,
Senior Art Critic for New York Magazine
Click here for a review of the exhibition by Dan Rule.
Photos by Taryn Ellis.
Education: 2019, Current PHD Candidate, Monash University, Melbourne; 2009, Master of Fine Arts by Research, Monash University, Melbourne; 2004, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours), RMIT University, Melbourne; Solo Exhibitions; 2017, Movements, Gallery 9, Sydney; 2016, Shared Ruin (with Amy Unkovich) Sutton Project Space, Melbourne; 2015, Sightseer, Caves, Melbourne; 2011, Playground, St Heliers St Gallery, Melbourne; 2010, Submarine, Light Projects, Melbourne; 2009, Interior Horizon, MA Exhibition, Monash University, Melbourne; 2007, Strange Loop, Joint Hassles, Melbourne; 2005, The Living Room, Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts, Melbourne; 2005, Small World, West Space, Melbourne; Selected Group Exhibitions; 2017, Caves at Spring 1983„ Sydney; 2016, A Billion Bucks, The Honeymoon Suite, Melbourne; 2016, Painting, More Painting, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne; 2016, Caves @ Switchback, Federation University, Gippsland; 2012, Stupid as a Painter, Lowrise Projects, Melbourne; 2012, Museums in the Incident, Monash Faculty Gallery, Melbourne; 2011, The Painting Group, Milani Gallery, Brisbane; 2010, The Painting Group, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne; 2010, Photocopier, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne.