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CAVES Fundraiser 9–23 Dec. 2017

Photos courtesy of Ruben Bull-Milne.

Kay Abude, Colleen Ahern, Tia Ansell, Sean Bailey, Olga Bennett, Anna Calder, Danica Chappell, Yvette Coppersmith, Lane Cormick, Sarah crowEST, Narelle Desmond, Kim Donaldson, Naomi Eller, Kate Ellis, Teelah George, Storm Gold, Sharon Goodwin, Julia Gorman, Alizon Gray, Irene Hanenbergh, Katherine Hattam, Kez Hughes, Eliza Hutchison, Andrea Jewell, Casey Jeffrey, Michael Kennedy, Annika Koops, Lucina Lane, Merryn Lloyd, Gian Manik, Chas Manning, Deven Marriner, Sam Martin, Rob McHaffie, Ruben Bull-Milne, Tim McMonagle, Tully Moore, Pia Murphy, Noriko Nakamura, Sophie Neate, Emma Phillips, Rosslynd Piggott, Alex Pittendrigh, Lisa Radford/Masato Takasaka, Kristina Tsoulis-Reay, Ewoud van Rijn (NL), Fiona Schoer, Linda Schranck, Julian Aubrey Smith, Matthew Stanton, Vittoria Di Stefano, Jacqui Stockdale, Adrian Stojkovich, Adriane Strampp, Heather B. Swann, Ross Taylor (UK), Ebony Truscott, Michelle Ussher, Anna Varendorff, Kim Vernon, Jon Walker and Anna White.